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Opportunities for Accessing Unrestricted Internet: A Guide to Using Zhihu With the internet being so wide-ranging and diverse, there is often a need to access content from different parts of the world, from a variety of platforms. Unfortunately, due to certain restrictions, it’s not always possible to do so. However, in this article, we’ll explore how to get around these limitations and access the world of undiluted internet – using Zhihu. Why Bother with a VPN? A popular and reliable way of circumventing such restrictions is through the use of a VPN (virtual private network). VPNs often give users a sense of security and freedom, by encrypting their online activities, and masking their IP addresses. This makes it appear as if the user is accessing the site/app in question from a different location – a location that isn’t blocked. However, while this is a great trick, there are several downsides. Firstly, many free VPNs aren’t all that effective, as the encryption they offer may not be strong enough. Secondly, VPNs can be slow, as the data is routed through an external server. And finally, there’s always the risk of data theft (as with any third-party application). Enter Zhihu So what makes Zhihu different? Well, firstly, it’s a Chinese social network, that’s primarily focused on the exchange of knowledge and expertise between its users (which the Chinese government has allowed to exist). Secondly, Zhihu has a built-in feature that bypasses internet restrictions, allowing those based in China, to access Western social networks including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram - despite them being blocked by the government. Thirdly, it’s available via several proxies, which often makes content even more accessible. How to Use Zhihu to Bypass Restricted Access 1 - Download Zhihu’s App The first step involves downloading the Zhihu mobile application. Visit the App Store or Google Play, and search for ‘Zhihu’. Select the app, and hit download. You’ll be prompted to sign up, which is usually done via email or phone number. Once done, you’ll have access to the platform’s many informative posts and videos. 2 - Activate the Privacy Mode Feature and Click on the Globe Icon Privacy Mode is not default on Zhihu, you’ll need to toggle this on before exploring the app to its fullest. To do so, first hit the ‘My’ icon (on the bottom right-hand side of your screen). Click on the ‘settings’ tab and search for ‘privacy’. Ensure that the ‘activate privacy mode’ button is on (green). Next click on the ‘globe’ icon, also located in the ‘settings’ tab. This will trigger the VPN feature to go live, bypassing geolocation restrictions. 3- Enjoy the World of Undiluted Internet With the VPN now active, you’ll have unrestricted access to apps and platforms that might have been previously blocked to you. So whether you’re on holiday in China, or simply want to check in with friends and family overseas, Zhihu’s simple, reliable VPN settings make it a great option. Conclusion Overall, Zhihu offers a secure, quick and easy way to bypass geolocation restrictions, and access uncensored content. While VPNs remain popular, they can be intrusive, slow and risky. Zhihu’s VPN proxy feature, on the other hand, offers peace of mind, and access to the content you crave. So next time you’re on the hunt for unrestricted access to the web, give Zhihu a try.


标签: oppor
